Star Diving Club Guildford
Star Diving Club Guildford

Competition Policy

Single-Day Events
Divers must wear full tracksuits - top and trousers - and a club T-shirt when travelling to and from the competition, in all parades, presentations and medal ceremonies.


Divers need to wear trainers for warming up. If they want to wear shorts when they are not competing, these should be club shorts for boys or black fitted gym shorts for girls. No other shorts should be worn.


Away Competitions and Residential Trips
Divers must wear full tracksuits - top and trousers - club T-shirt and trainers when travelling to and from the venue, in all parades, presentations and medal ceremonies.


Divers must have both a black and a yellow club T-shirt (make sure you wear the correct colour on the correct day as directed by the chaperones and coaches) as well as club shorts for boys or black fitted gym shorts for girls.


Divers arriving at competitions without the correct kit will not be allowed to compete.


When entering a diver into a competition, you are agreeing they will arrive for the start and stay until our last diver has finished competing and received their results.


Divers are not permitted to turn up for their event and then leave once they have finished competing. They must stay and support their team-mates.


In exceptional circumstances (eg A-level exam period), a diver may be granted permission to leave early or arrive late; however, a written request must be submitted to and approved by the head coach before the diver enters the competition.


Any diver who leaves a competition early, without prior consent from the head coach, will be pulled out from all remaining competitions that term and not be invited to compete the next term.


When arriving at a competition divers should report to their coach, who will let them know when they need to sign their divesheets, warm up, train, eat, etc.


If your coach is on poolside, coaching or judging, come and let them know you are there but make sure you do not walk in front of any judges.


Divers should sit together with their team-mates, not alone with their parents. Before leaving a competition divers should say goodbye to their coach and let them know they are leaving.


Thanks to those divers and parents who stick to our policies. You are a credit to the club and help to create a great atmosphere at competitions.


Kirsty McMahon


Quick links


Click here for our contact page


Click here for term-time dates

Click here for competition dates


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© Star Diving Club Guildford. Charity number 1166005