Welcome to Star Diving Club
We are a springboard and highboard diving club in Guildford, Surrey.
Our programme is based at Guildford Spectrum.
We are affiliated to Swim England, our national governing body, through Swim England South East Region and have SwimMark accreditation.
Whether you are a complete beginner or have some previous experience, you are welcome to join us.
Catering for all abilities we run a variety of weekly sessions in term-time, six days a week (not Saturdays).
Want to start diving?
We run a variety of term-time sessions catering for all levels, six days a week.
For more information, to arrange a term-time taster or to book a class please email membership@stardiving.org
Important: everyone must be able to swim 25m and be comfortable in deep water without goggles.
Spring term dates
The spring term runs from Monday 6th January - Friday 4th April.
There are no lessons in the half-term week: Monday 17th February - Sunday 23rd February.
There are no sessions on Sunday 12th January because of an all-day gala.
Need to check any dates? Download and view the term-time overview below.
Job Vacancy - Administrator
New Learn to Dive Awards - Videos Now Available!
The Star Diving Team has undergone a review of the Star Diving Awards (levels 1-10) to ensure that these are the best fit for purpose and allow the divers to move along the skills and the pathway as easily and skillfully as possible.
We have made a few changes to the levels after this review. While there are not any huge adjustments, there are a few skills that have been added and some that have been shifted earlier or later in the levels. You can find the new skills under the Learn to Dive section of the website!
To see how the dives should be completed we have created videos for each level with some of our squad divers demonstrating the skills. Head over to here on the website to see these!
Please be aware that this may affect the percentage levels of your child's grade. They will however be on their correct grade that they were on or advanced to last term. The coaches will be grading them throughout the term on the new skills. While they complete this the percentages may be different from last term.
Easyfundraising - The Easiest Way to Support Us!
We are registered with Easyfundraising! This is the simplest and easiest way to support us and financially support the club!
Easyfundraising partners with 8000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice (in this case Star Diving Club). It won't cost you any extra - the brand covers the cost.
All you need to do is create an Easyfundraising account and choose Star Diving as your cause when prompted. You can allow notifications on your laptop or PC that when a purchase is supported by easyfundraising it lets you know and adds the donation on automatically - EASY!
Click the image below to get signed up!
Coaches Wanted! Interested in learning to coach diving? Contact Kirsty here.